Teralytics for traffic models with VMZ – Webinar

Case Studies Transportation Planning

New approaches to public transport planning and traffic management are needed to meet the changing mobility needs.

Traditional methods of mobility demand analysis are unable to keep up with the pace of change. They are also not fully representative – non-commuter traffic and journeys from adjacent areas are rarely adequately captured.

VMZ, Berlin-based transport consultancy, is working with Teralytics to break new ground and build reliable and representative traffic models with the use of up-to-date mobility insights available on demand.

In this webinar, Georg Polzer, co-founder of Teralytics, and Siegurd Müller, demand and public transport modeling expert at VMZ, demonstrate how to effectively incorporate latest mobility insights into your traffic models, prioritize actions, and track progress.

Watch the recording here. (Note: the video is in German language only.)

If you are interested in how Teralytics’ mobility insights can help you understand mobility demand and manage transport planning, please get in touch.

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