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Potenzial-Abschätzung für Fahrplan-Änderungen in Krefeld mit Teralytics Matrix in MatLab

Im Dezember 2023 hielt der Experte Lukas Spengler von der SWK E² Institut – Hochschule Niederrhein ein spannendes Webinar mit uns über die “Optimierung des Nahverkehrs mit Teralytics Matrix”. In diesem informativen Online-Event hatten die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, einen Blick auf die Potenziale von Fahrplanänderungen im Netz der SWK (Stadtwerke Krefeld) zu werfen. Als Grundlage […]

Case Studies Mobility Transportation Planning

Matrix jetzt mit Verkehrsmittel-Differenzierung

Es freut uns die neuste Version unseres Matrix Produkts mit Verkehrsmittel-Unterscheidung vorzustellen. Matrix bietet als monatlich aktualisierte Quelle-Ziel-Matrix Einblick in die Mobilitätsnachfrage in ganz Deutschland. Die Nachfragedaten werden nun in der neusten Version von Matrix in MIV- und ÖPNV-Reisen unterschieden. Erstellt wird das Matrix Produkt aus anonymen, täglich aktualisierten Mobilfunkdaten von 30 Millionen Telefonen kombiniert […]

Transportation Planning

Aggiornamento del Piano Urbano Mobilità Sostenibile di Ravenna

TRT Trasporti e Territorio è una società di consulenza indipendente, con sedi a Milano e Bruxelles, specializzata in mobilità ed economia dei trasporti, pianificazione e modellistica. TRT ha recentemente utilizzato le informazioni sulla mobilità di Teralytics per stimare la domanda di mobilità del modello urbano di simulazione multimodale dei trasporti. Questo lavoro è stato svolto […]


Mobility insights that reflect the changing world

Throughout this year, we’ve introduced a number of new capabilities to our Matrix platform, reflective of your growing need to understand and measure mobility and many of its manifestations, provide evidence for your proposed initiatives, and most importantly, measure progress towards your goals

Mobility Transportation Planning

Teralytics for traffic models with VMZ – Webinar

VMZ is working with Teralytics to break new ground in building reliable and representative traffic models with the use of anonymous mobile data. Listen to

Case Studies Transportation Planning

The Renaissance birthplace undergoes a sustainability transformation

Using Teralytics’ mobility demand analysis and in collaboration with TPS Pro, the Metropolitan City of Florence aimed to assess the impact of the actions planned

Case Studies Mobility Transportation Planning

Is the 9 Euro ticket initiative the future of public transport?

The German government’s recent nationwide initiative, which enabled everyone to travel on public transport for 9 Euros per month throughout the summer, prompted a tremendous


Navigating tourism demand with mobility insights

See how visitBerlin used mobility insights from Teralytics to understand changes in tourism demand, explore growth potential, and optimise Berlin’s tourism offering.

Mobility Tourism

Naples: Vision for the future starts with understanding the present

In partnership with the working group that takes care of SUMP elaboration of the Metropolitan City of Naples, Teralytics’ mobility analysis makes it possible for Naples to identify key areas where it can introduce change and influence mobility behaviours.

Case Studies Mobility Transportation Planning

Municipality of Brescia monitors SUMP outcomes with Teralytics insights

The Municipality of Brescia is working with Teralytics innovative technology to monitor traffic trends for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

Case Studies Mobility Transportation Planning

Building resilient transportation systems is key to urban recovery

Teralytics is proud to be a part of a three-year MOTUS initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, which aims

Transportation Planning

Hitting the restart button on tourism with mobility insights

As tourism destinations the world over try to make sense of the emerging mobility trends, Teralytics partners with tourism consultancies across Europe, with visitBerlin as

Mobility Tourism

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