DSB appoints Teralytics and 3 to gain insights into the Danes’ travel patterns


The telecommunications company 3 and mobility insights company Teralytics have entered into a contract with DSB to provide anonymised mobility insights drawn from 3’s mobile network data. The insights will help DSB to understand the Danes’ travel habits and, among other things, enable the company to optimise route planning and services for the benefit of the approximately 500,000 passengers who use DSB every day.

Transport that caters to everyone

Anonymised mobile network data provides an accurate and inclusive basis for understanding of people’s changing mobility needs. With the global imperative to reduce carbon emissions from transportation, rail travel can play a crucial role in diverting road traffic and meeting mobility needs of everyone in the society.

Using insights by 3 and Teralytics, DSB will be able to optimise its schedule and routes, alleviate congestion, and adapt to events and trends over time.

“The public transport sector is a really good example of how mobility insights can make a difference and benefit us all. Mobile network data offers new insights and helps to confirm or disprove previous assumptions. Through this partnership, DSB will have a stronger basis for decision-making to adapt to passengers’ needs and optimise resources. As a result, ongoing mobility insights can become a crucial tool in the green transition,” said Jesper Larsen Wagner, Director of Business Development & Operation at 3.

“We are thrilled for the opportunity to bring our in-depth understanding of the rail sector needs to DSB,” said David Reed, CEO of Teralytics. “Our mobility insights enable railway operators to improve their planning and operational decisions, thus encouraging adoption of this green mode of transport at the time when reducing carbon emissions has become the critical focus for the transportation sector.”

About our data insights and mobility analysis

Anonymised aggregated network data from 3’s mobile network makes it possible to analyse users’ movement patterns. The data does not contain any information that can either directly or indirectly identify a specific individual and their activities.

Mobility analysis is based on 3’s mobile network data which are then extrapolated to population level.

The analysis complies with all relevant national and international regulation on personal data processing and follows guidelines for anonymisation from the EU data protection authorities’ working group (formerly known as Article-29 Working Party).

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