Archive for the ‘Transportation Planning’ Category

Wie valide ist die Verkehrsmittel­erkennung aus Mobilfunkdaten eigentlich?

Im Juni haben wir unsere neuen Produkte, Matrix mit Verkehrsmittelerkennung und Flow, erstmals vorgestellt. Matrix liefert monatlich aktualisierte, räumlich fein aufgelöste Quelle-Ziel-Matrizen, nun auch mit Verkehrsmittelunterscheidung. Flow liefert für jede ÖPNV/SPNV-Linie und jede einzelne Fahrt Reisezahlen und Routenwahl zwischen allen Haltestellen.
Eine häufig gestellte Frage in diesem Zusammenhang lautet: Wie verlässlich ist unsere Verkehrsmittelerkennung? 

Potenzial-Abschätzung für Fahrplan-Änderungen in Krefeld mit Teralytics Matrix in MatLab

Im Dezember 2023 hielt der Experte Lukas Spengler von der SWK E² Institut – Hochschule Niederrhein ein spannendes Webinar mit uns über die “Optimierung des Nahverkehrs mit Teralytics Matrix”. In diesem informativen Online-Event hatten die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, einen Blick auf die Potenziale von Fahrplanänderungen im Netz der SWK (Stadtwerke Krefeld) zu werfen. Als Grundlage für diese Analysen wurden die Mobilitätsdaten von Teralytics Matrix v5 verwendet und in MatLab weiterverarbeitet.

Schauen Sie gern die Aufzeichnung des Webinars an. Das Video berichtet über folgende Themen:

Matrix jetzt mit Verkehrsmittel-Differenzierung

Es freut uns die neuste Version unseres Matrix Produkts mit Verkehrsmittel-Unterscheidung vorzustellen. Matrix bietet als monatlich aktualisierte Quelle-Ziel-Matrix Einblick in die Mobilitätsnachfrage in ganz Deutschland. Die Nachfragedaten werden nun in der neusten Version von Matrix in MIV- und ÖPNV-Reisen unterschieden.

Erstellt wird das Matrix Produkt aus anonymen, täglich aktualisierten Mobilfunkdaten von 30 Millionen Telefonen kombiniert mit Bevölkerungsstatistiken, Fahrplandaten und MiD/SRV Referenzwerten.

So kann das Matrix Produkt nicht nur Berufs- und Schulverkehr verlässlich abbilden, sondern auch Freizeit- und Nachtverkehre. Durch eine zeitlich lückenlose Abdeckung lassen sich die Auswirkung von Deutschlandticket oder vermehrter Arbeit im Home Office leicht ermitteln.

Matrix wird erfolgreich von ÖPNV und SPNV Unternehmen für die Planung und Verkehrsmodellierung eingesetzt – so zum Beispiel von SPNV Nord, SSB, dem Landkreis Bamberg oder dem Verkehrsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Gerne kommen wir mit Ihnen dazu ins Gespräch. Kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit diesbezüglich hier.

Mobility insights that reflect the changing world

If we could sum up the conversations we’ve had with our customers throughout this year, it would be about coping with change. For two entire years, 2020 through 2021, a previously fairly stable mobility baseline morphed into an extraordinarily dynamic, remarkably complex mosaic of travel behaviors. At first, it reflected the uncertainty of the pandemic and necessity of policy response. Many had hoped that 2022 would be the year of recovery and return to normality. What we’ve seen instead, is an evolution in mobility that can no longer be pegged to any single event or policy, rather a cacophony of influences both personal and societal in nature.

Our mobility choices reflect our own personal journeys through the pandemic and the changing economic reality. Our sense of safety and personal comfort vary immensely. Our choices do, too. Some of us have had to, or may have chosen to, go to work every day, while some have swapped commuting for remote work altogether. Many of us are still finding our own happy middle ground.

Some of us are rethinking our modal choices due to the environmental imperative to cut carbon emissions, as well as changing fuel and travel costs. As we witnessed during the recent nationwide 9-Euro-ticket initiative in Germany, which made rail transport extremely affordable over the summer, our price sensitivity when it comes to choosing public transport is, at least at the moment, very high. While this is good news for the environment, it is also reflective of the global struggle to keep up with inflation. Pinching pennies includes rethinking how we travel.

Factors influencing mobility today are many, and we believe this will continue to be the case. We cannot tell for sure whether we will be able to find a sense of calm in 2023, whether new normality will be found, or what it may look like should it arrive. What we are extremely proud of is the fact that we can measure it. Quickly, accurately and comprehensively.

The ability to understand mobility choices and how they are changing will be the superpower of savvy transportation planners in the years to come. Our mission is to be there with you every step of the way.

Throughout this year, we’ve introduced a number of new capabilities to our Matrix platform, reflective of your growing need to understand and measure mobility and many of its manifestations, provide evidence for your proposed initiatives, and most importantly, measure progress towards your goals.

Please visit our new Matrix page and get in touch, tell us what you think.

Teralytics for traffic models with VMZ – Webinar

New approaches to public transport planning and traffic management are needed to meet the changing mobility needs.

Traditional methods of mobility demand analysis are unable to keep up with the pace of change. They are also not fully representative – non-commuter traffic and journeys from adjacent areas are rarely adequately captured.

VMZ, Berlin-based transport consultancy, is working with Teralytics to break new ground and build reliable and representative traffic models with the use of up-to-date mobility insights available on demand.

In this webinar, Georg Polzer, co-founder of Teralytics, and Siegurd Müller, demand and public transport modeling expert at VMZ, demonstrate how to effectively incorporate latest mobility insights into your traffic models, prioritize actions, and track progress.

Watch the recording here. (Note: the video is in German language only.)

If you are interested in how Teralytics’ mobility insights can help you understand mobility demand and manage transport planning, please get in touch.

The Renaissance birthplace undergoes a sustainability transformation

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the EU mechanism for outcomes-focused urban mobility planning, places transportation goals in the context of broader environmental, social, and economic sustainability objectives.

Lowering atmospheric and noise pollutants, reducing road congestion, and improving road safety are among the goals that the Metropolitan City of Florence, the capital city of Italy’s Tuscany region, aims to achieve as part of its SUMP. In doing so, the city has shifted focus from traditional road traffic-oriented transportation planning towards sustainable mobility planning focused on enabling various sustainable modes of travel.

Florence released its SUMP in 2019. Three years and a global pandemic later, the city recently unveiled the outcomes of the first SUMP monitoring, coinciding with European Mobility Week 2022 at the end of September.

Using Teralytics’ mobility demand analysis and in collaboration with Pro, the Metropolitan City of Florence aimed to assess the impact of the actions planned in the SUMP as well as to quantify the effects of the pandemic on mobility demand both at the overall level and in terms of its modal distribution among the various transport systems (private vehicles, public transport, and active mobility).

The analysis of mobility demand in the region covered a period of two years, from November 2019 through November 2021. During this time, Florence experienced an overall reduction in weekday mobility of 23 percent and 28 percent on weekends. These findings are consistent with the city’s ticket data for its tram network – which saw a drop in ridership of 33 percent. Many findings are consistent with the COVID-19 impact on urban areas across the globe, with road traffic increasing slightly while public transport usage contracted.

Biennial monitoring of the SUMP and its updating every 5 years are necessary to assess the effectiveness of the actions planned, but it is also necessary to understand how new ways of organizing work (smart working, hybrid modes) affect and change the mobility system. This issue has become even more important, in light of the events exogenous to the transportation system, to verify, integrate, and modify planned actions for increasing transportation sustainability.

Naples: Vision for the future starts with understanding the present

The third largest metropolitan area in Italy, Naples is also the country’s most densely populated urban environment. In order to tackle congestion and pollution from road traffic, Naples has sought to create a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, a strategic approach to transport planning which, following the EU Guidelines, places emphasis on integration and efficient use of mobility resources.

As a goal, sustainable transportation is a sum of a number of interconnected objectives. Promoting a modal shift from car to public transport, connecting transport links more efficiently to meet the shifting mobility needs of its population, encouraging more people to travel by bike or on foot – are all priorities that Naples metropolitan area authorities wish to consider in creating an intelligent, better accessible mobility system.

In order to evaluate how the transport network is currently used by the Naples inhabitants and those who commute or travel to it, the authorities turned to Teralytics to understand the overall mobility demand.

In partnership with the working group that takes care of SUMP elaboration of the Metropolitan City of Naples – Sintagma, TPS Pro and TRT Ingegneria – Teralytics’ mobility analysis makes it possible for Naples to identify key areas where it can introduce change and influence mobility behaviours most effectively.

Teralytics’ sophisticated privacy-first approach to understanding  people’s journeys and factors impacting their choices makes it possible to arrive at an accurate analysis of current mobility trends swiftly, rendering lengthy and expensive manual surveys obsolete.

“Naples’ vision for an intelligent and dynamic mobility system can serve as an inspiration for metropolitan areas around the world,” said Michele Casà, Business Development Director for Teralytics Italy. “We’re thrilled to be able to help the area’s authorities make the right choices towards a more sustainable and resilient mobility system by providing a thorough understanding of how people utilise its transport network currently.”

“This is one in a series of projects across Italy that TPS Pro has collaborated with Teralytics on,” said Nicola Murino, Technical Director, TPS Pro. “We believe that by embracing an always-on, inclusive approach to mobility analysis, our customers can understand mobility needs of their constituencies faster and in a manner better representative of everyone. In the aftermath of the pandemic and the shifts in mobility behaviours that have occurred because of it, it is clear we need a more dynamic approach to transportation planning in order to affect change.”

Municipality of Brescia monitors SUMP outcomes with Teralytics insights

In 2017, Italy implemented the EU guidelines on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), requiring all municipalities with over 100,000 inhabitants to propose mobility strategies to promote better environmental, societal and economic outcomes in their areas. A key focus of SUMPs is the promotion of sustainable modes of transport in order to lower transport’s environmental impact.

The Municipality of Brescia, which is at the forefront of the SUMPs initiative, approved the implementation of its sustainable mobility plan in 2018. The city has now chosen to partner with Teralytics, applying its innovative technology to monitor traffic trends and understand mobility demand over time.

“Unlike many cities that have yet to adopt a SUMP, in our case the challenge is to build a monitoring system,” says Federico Manzoni, Councillor for Mobility Policies in the Municipality of Brescia. “This is necessary for us to better understand current trends, identify critical issues, and analyse response capacity of existing and planned infrastructures and services. Teralytics’ support in this activity is particularly valuable to us.”

Building resilient transportation systems is key to urban recovery

How can we make cities more resilient to disruptive events? Teralytics is proud to be a part of a three-year MOTUS initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, which aims to create a set of recommendations to help cities build and maintain sustainable transportation networks.

Teralytics will contribute to the creation of a data-driven simulation platform, which will enable cities to analyse the impact of disruptive events on their transportation systems and identify effective solutions.

Join us for the virtual launch of the project on:

Wednesday, 26th January 2022
1:30-3 pm CET

You will have an opportunity to learn more about the project and ways to participate. To register, please email Lara Westphal at [email protected].

For more information about the project, please see here.

Partnership for smarter transport

Behind every sustainable, livable city is a masterful transportation plan that manages to solve for a number of big picture priorities: Better accessible public transport. Fewer cars on the road. Safer sidewalks and biking paths. Well integrated mobility services for better first mile/last mile connectivity.

And behind most such plans is a transportation consultancy which may have worked with a city for years, sometimes decades, to ensure that its transportation network can keep up with the changing mobility needs of its citizens.

While Teralytics has been partnering with transportation consultancies for a long time to provide mobility insights critical to their decision making, the experiences of this past year have made us realise that we can do much more for our partners to help them succeed.

We understood early on into the pandemic that the world’s mobility map was being redrawn into an entirely new matrix of travel behaviours with a lasting effect. Since, local and national authorities everywhere have realised that mobility has become key to much more than traffic management. Mobility is now used as an indicator of the pace of economic recovery, as well as broad societal shifts. How people move about has become a measuring stick for the effect of remote working policies, the problematic shift to cars as a preferred mode of transport, the challenges faced by public transit, and the future of air travel, among other issues.

This isn’t a temporary symptom likely to go away once we emerge from the pandemic. This is a once-in-a-lifetime leap in the societal contract that shapes our daily routines. As a result, the transportation consultancies we work with deserve much more than a quality delivery of origin-destination matrices to get the job done.

Today, we are thrilled to announce that we have entered into a range of partnership agreements with our renowned transportation consultancy customers.

Moving faster and with confidence

We believe that our framework partnership model will enable our consultancy partners to meet the growing challenges in transportation planning with greater confidence in project outcomes through the following:

Leading the way: By embracing the 21st century approach to understanding travel, together we can help cities and regions meet their quality of life and carbon emission targets by accounting for the mobility needs of everyone in our communities.

Acting fast: Our partners have access to the most-up-to-date population-level mobility insights whenever they need them, meaning they can answer tenders confident in the quality of mobility data and having clarity on pricing.

Discovering new opportunities: We see our partners as co-creators. Understanding consultancies’ needs influences our product roadmap. It also means we can discover ways to effectively collaborate.

The evolving transportation challenges require a bold approach and new ways of thinking, which cannot be realised without an understanding of the evolving mobility needs of everyone in the society. We predict that regular recalibration of traffic models will become an industry standard, requiring an acute awareness of how and why mobility is changing not just every few years or so, but at population scale, all of the time.

We’re thrilled to welcome our new partners and look forward to the journey ahead.